Monday, 28 March 2011

Case Study 03_Surface Reflection

Alphamesh: a soft yet steely metal ring mesh, made of high quality stainless steel wire. Individual rings are linked to a fully flexible metal mesh enabling pliability without compromising on durability and strength. Each individual ring is welded and guarantees the high strength stability of the metal mesh.

Alphamesh: The Ring mesh

The case study model was created in similar fashion, in turn, mimicking the qualities that apply to alphamesh. Metal wire was soldered into rings, interlinking and woven into each other to create a skin/mesh.

The use of MDF and Plywood for our proto-type experiments proved to work very well in terms of what we set out to do: increase in scale and the effects material would have on the space. They showed great potential in that they have similar properties to the fibre C panels in regards to their rigidity and strength. All can be used as a structure like detail in a pavilion.

Perspex rods were used to hold together the MDF and plywood details, as to allow light to pass through, ultimately creating an interactive space within. It also ensures a flat finish to the structural membranes being created.